
Le Bridge postponed to June 28th and 29th 2021

We are ready to welcome you in Zurich in June and to experience together the first edition of this event dedicated to innovation: Le Bridge

The event has generated great interest and many subscriptions.

Unfortunately, the current sanitary situation forces us to  postpone this big event to June 28th & 29th 2021. It will take place physically, at the Switzerland Innovation Park in Zürich.

Please save the date in your agendas! If the sanitary situation has not improved by then, we will offer you a full digital experience on the same date.

We intend to use the extra time we have to make your experience even more rewarding.

We thank you for your trust and look forward to sharing this moment of exchange with you, dedicated to innovation, which will bring small and large companies closer together.

We would like to adress a prticular thank you to all our partners that support this first edition.

For mor information, please have a look at the dedicated website: